Os poemas de W.B. Yeats

A obra poética de William Butler Yeats, traduzida para o português, com os textos originais em inglês incluídos William Butler Yeats
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A complexa obra de W. B. Yeats, o poeta irlandês por excelência, na tradução portuguesa com o texto original em inglês incluído, numa antologia completa de poemas das principais colecções: 1889 – Crossways 1889 – The Wanderings of Oisin and Other Poems 1892 – The Countess Kathleen and Various Legends and Lyrics 1890 – Irish Fairies in The Leisure Hour 1892 – Irish Fairy Tales 1892 – The Countess Kathleen and Various Legends and Lyrics 1893 – The Rose 1897 – The Secret Rose 1899 – The Wind Among the Reeds 1900 – The Shadowy Waters 1902 – Cathleen Ní Houlihan 1903 – The Collected Poems of W.B. Yeats 1903 – In the Seven Woods, poems 1904 – The Tables of the Law 1910 – The Green Helmet and Other Poems 1916 – Responsibilities 1919 – The Wild Swans at Coole, 1920 – The Second Coming 1921 – Michael Robartes and the Dancer 1921 – An Anthology of Modern Verse. 1922 – Seven Poems and a Fragment 1923 – Plays and Controversies 1927 – Stories of Red Hanrahan and the Secret Rose 1933 – Collected Poems 1933 – The Winding Stair and Other Poems 1939 – Last Poems and Two Plays

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Recomendado por 1 pessoas

Tim O’Reilly


“Eu aprendi que 20 desses poemas não fazem nada por mim, e há este que simplesmente faz 'Bang!'”

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